
Sunday, February 15, 2009

main2 tag..

(steal from cik alia..gege)

1) Your name / username --> secret (heh, poyoo) / sheila @ anna_trianna (forum)

2) Left handed or Right Handed --> lebih afdal jika bermula dgn tangan kanan =)

3) Favourite letter to write --> x suke tulis2 surat..send emel je..

4) Least favourite letter to write --> appeal letter kot

5) Do you think you are HOT --> nope..cute je..hehe

6) Upload your fav pic

7) Why do you like this picture --> + hot..i'm just realized that i like guys with no cloths on :DD

8) The last song u listen to --> Hell no - KAT-TUN

9) What are you doing right now besides this --> listen to the music..

10) Tag 6 people --> Anyone?